Planning Your Goals

By Stacey Kipouridis

BRING ON 2021!

Okay, so we’ve made it to March. Now what?!

We’ve all been in catch up mode this year, and now we’re starting to feel brave enough to plan ahead! We wanted to share some of our top tips when it comes to planning ahead and striving towards reaching our goals.

  1. Make a list

Now that we are starting to settle into 2021, it is important to take the time to sit and reflect on the changes and goals you would like to achieve. 

Find a quiet corner, sit down with a pen and paper and slowly but thoughtfully write down your goals. You may find this task overwhelming and difficult to know where to start.  Just write it all down, then organise all your goals into a list. 

  1. Start small

When setting goals and wanting to implement new habits, it is important to start small.

For example, one of your goals may be to attend the gym 4 days a week.

This may be challenging to complete and stick to straight away, so we suggest breaking the goal down.

Start with attending the gym once a week.  When you feel like you are ready to increase your load, add in a second session for the week. Over time this will become a habit and you will slowly be able to increase your sessions sustainably over time. 

Photo by Alexa Williams on Unsplash
  1. Don’t be hard on yourself

One thing 2020 has taught us, is that you can not predict the future! So when it comes to achieving your goals, it is important to remember that plans may change – and that is okay!

You may have a busy week at work, or the weather may ruin your plans (typical Melbourne!!) which will impact your ability to complete your set tasks.  Don’t be hard on yourself when this happens. Take a deep breath, and remember that tomorrow is a new day for you to get back into your routine! Consistency is key!

  1. Celebrate the wins, no matter how big or small

An important step to keep you motivated is to always celebrate your wins!

These may be small – like increasing the weight you squat at the gym or increasing the distance of your walk.

All these little wins will build up over time, and they will keep inspiring you to continue to reach your ultimate goal!

  1. Keep checking in with your goals

Remember that list of goals you wrote down?  Keep it somewhere you will remember so that you can go back and check it regularly throughout the year. You may surprise yourself with some of the goals you wrote down, and realise that you have achieved some of them before the year is up! If you have smashed all your goals early, you can always write down new ones to keep motivate you to push yourself even further!

What are you waiting for? Hop to it!!

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash
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