As we move through the ebb and flow of COVID-19 Stage 4 restrictions, as an essential service, the team at Performance Medicine are here for you.

We are taking each government recommendation seriously and we are completing the following in the clinic as per government guidelines

  • Temperature checking upon arrival
  • Providing sanitising stations upon entry and throughout the clinic
  • “Sneeze guard” at our reception
  • Each team member is wearing a face mask during the day
  • Each therapist is wearing both a face mask and face shield.
  • Asking each of you to wear a mask upon entry and for the duration of your visit with us (we have these at our entrance sanitising station)
  • Vigilant cleaning and sanitising schedule for our reception, therapy rooms and studio.


We are open for face to face physiotherapy appointments. We are working within the current guidelines for Stage 4.

If you are new to our Performance Medicine community we will book you in as a Telehealth appointment and your physiotherapist will assess and diagnose you to ascertain the best plan for you during Stage 4.

For those that may not fall into the Stage 4 guidelines or face to face therapy, we are looking forward to looking after you via Telehealth during this time.

We know how exhausting working from home can be with the incessant Zoom calls and possibly not the best work station set up. So together, let’s work through your issues so that you can stay healthy and happy.


Unfortunately, our wonderful myotherapy and remedial massage team are not able to do hands on sessions during Stage 4 – HOWEVER – they do fabulous 30 minute roll and release sessions via telehealth. Please book by choosing – Roll and Release – Telehealth.


If you are feeling apprehensive about your appointment, or, are feeling unwell and have cold/flu symptoms we are more than happy to offer you a Telehealth appointment with your therapist.


We know that communicating with a facemask has its challenges. So we promise you that underneath our facemasks we are smiling. If you don’t hear us correctly (because it is a bit muffled) please just ask us to repeat ourselves 🙂


Our Clinical Conditioning classes are on hold – HOWEVER – we are offering 30 minute 1-1 clinical conditioning with you physiotherapist via Telehealth.(at the same price as a class). You can book these online by choosing Clinical Conditioning Class (30 mins). We appreciate that we all want to work out together, however, because we know you so well, we can know how hard we can push you through the screen.


If you can’t make it in please check out our online classes so that you can stay fit in Iso 2.0. 16 classes a week of Barre, Matwork Pilates, Yin Yoga, Yoga Flow, HIIT! Work out with your favourite therapist 🙂


Keep your eyes out for our on demand fitness and packages….we are working through this and getting super excited to launch for you all!

We are looking forward to seeing you in the clinic because we know those sore necks, backs, shins and voices do not stop being sore.

Finding your exceptional through COVID-19