We Are All Weird and Wonderful

Are you one of those people saying “I’m so used to the pain, it’s just something I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life.”

My answer to you is no it’s not! 

At the moment your body is just doing this weird and wonderful thing where it’s giving you dysfunction “yay” (sarcasm). 

The first thing we can do is to look at our attitude towards our dysfunction. Staying optimistic is the best way to go. 

I like to imagine saying to myself “It’s okay, my body wants to do this weird and wonderful thing at the moment. Let’s nip it in the bud straight away by booking an appointment, so my weird and wonderful thing doesn’t come back again.”

This is what our Performance Medicine team likes to call owning it!

As Myotherapists, Physiotherapists or Remedial Massage Therapists, our job is to help you with any dysfunctions and figure out what is causing it and why. From here we work to find the right treatment method for you. This is either through physical hands-on treatment or corrective exercises/pilates.

Together we are better and we want to help with your discomfort and dysfunctions.

Nobody likes to be in discomfort and that’s why we’re here to help.

– we get it!

Sometimes it’s not a quick fix and everyone’s bodies are so different.

What works for some might not work for others because we are all unique, different and diverse. We celebrate this and we hope that you can trust us with our clinical excellence at Performance Medicine to think outside the box for you with creative solutions tailored to your health, body and treatment plan.

This way we can help your weird and wonderful dysfunction become simply wonderful.

Book in with us. You shouldn’t have to live with this for the rest of your life.

We are here to help you.