Getting Ready for VDF!

We are so excited to be attending VDF again this year, and can’t wait to meet you all there.

As you start preparing for the weekend full of fun and dance, we thought we would offer some advice when it comes to getting the most you can out of the weekend and staying injury free! Try these tips below:

  1. Plan ahead!

Have a look at the schedule before you get to VDF and make a rough plan of which choreographers and classes you want to attend. Have your outfits and shoes organised, particularly if you will be participating in the auditions on the day!

  1. Warm up!

While there are warm ups included in each class, you may be running late as you get from one class to another, so be sure to take your time to warm up once you get to the stage. Keep in mind what aspects of your warm up usually really help to switch on your body and try to add these in or complete them when you are standing on the side waiting for your turn on the stage. Ensuring you are warm before you dance is vital to protecting your body and preventing injuries.

  1. Cool down after class!

The choreographers want to pack as much as they can into the classes, so that you have the opportunity to learn and master their styles and dance. This may mean that there isn’t always time for a full cool down.  To assist yourself, bring along your own small roller, spiky ball or any other equipment to roll and release any tension in your muscles that may build up during the class.

  1. Stay warm during the day!

Being at the Showgrounds again is great as it is such a large space to allow for so many dancers and teachers alike to be in the same place together. However, because the space is big (and Melbourne’s weather is always unpredictable) be mindful to keep warm between classes in particular. We recommend opting for layers you can easily take on/off to help you stay warm during the day, which will reduce the risk of injury.

  1. Wear proper shoes!

Although you may be worried about being late to a class, it is important to put shoes on after a class as you make your way through the dance market, or rush off to the next class. There is so much going on on the day, with so many people, that you don’t want to step on something or kick something along the way and hurt your feet!

  1. Making sure you have enough to eat and drink!

There are some great food trucks available over the weekend, so take advantage of them and their amazing food. In addition we recommend packing some of your own snacks and plenty of water with you for the day so that you can keep your body fuelled and hydrated over the active weekend.

7. Teachers come and see us at the Be Well Sanctuary

We are very excited to be sponsoring the Be Well Sanctuary on Saturday 15 April. Come and see us to recharge with physio and massage advice!

We hope these tips help and that you enjoy the day with your friends, learning from amazing choreographers and meeting new people. Be sure to come and say hello to us on the day!

Wishing you all an awesome and injury free VDF, from Stacey and the Performance Medicine Team

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