Suite 3, Ground Floor, The Gateway,
312 St Kilda Road, Southbank, VIC, 3006
Here’s why setting up your workstation correctly is worth it!
Many of you have found yourself working from home and by now you may have started to realise that this situation will be ongoing and that perhaps working at the kitchen bench or on the couch may not be your best long term solution.
No doubt you are also finding out that you no longer have the benefits of any incidental exercise because you are no longer commuting to and from work, walking to the meeting room, chatting to a colleague or going to the bathroom on the other side of the office. We know that exercise is medicine, so a reduction in your incidental exercise and a poor workstation set up (ergonomic set up) may lead to back and neck pain, as well as increased fatigue and reduced productivity. In addition to this, not needing to go outside as often can have impacts on your vitamin D intake which can affect your bone health and sleep.
So here are our top 5 tips to make sure you get the best out of your work day:
Use cushions to improve the height of your chair so that your hips are greater than 90 degrees (this reduces slump in your low back)
Invest in a laptop or screen elevator and a separate keyboard and mouse
Daily exercise will keep your endorphins pumping and stress hormones down
A break for lunch with a walk outside will break up the monotony of being in your house all day, boost vitamin D and boost your focus for the afternoon session
Get up at the normal time as if you were going into the office and then go to bed early. Keeping this routine will maintain healthy productivity habits
To manage your workstation set up, we recommend investing in a home desk set up. This is where a physiotherapist can assess your home desk setup in real time via a Telehealth service.
During this call your physiotherapist will
At Performance Medicine we are well equipped with our Telehealth service for ergonomic assessments and we would love to help you be happy (and less stiff!) whilst you work from home. So please call us today or jump online to book your Telehealth Physio session!
P: 03 9686 2373